Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Another Form Of Leadership VI

Leadership is also learning from criticism, different ideas, opinions. As no one knows everything.

A good Motto for Leaders is:

Solving It
Seeing It
Owning It
Doing It

Friday, July 13, 2018

Another form Of Leadership V


Empowerment is really about empowering people that you lead. Empowerment is really also about investing in your team. Each member on your team as a type of leader, its your job and responsibility to invest in their development and advancement. Empowerment also allows individual thinking..

Accountability is closely tied to employees feeling valued at work. When someone assigns you with a task they are holding you accountable- this allows people to feel invested and valued.

Courage is from inspiring trust. Trust is needed for courage. When we think courage we might assume a Gryffindor, fire fighter, Hercules, and so forth. Hero's come to mind. Courage is being able to show others who you are, what you follow, and so forth. They can be the outlier in a group.

Humility is about being humble. Being able to share your limits and weaknesses in a group.

Reference 1
Reference 2
Reference 3

Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Another Form of Leadership IV

Empowerment- Allows people to do things in their way.
Accountability- Holds people responsible for their own actions.
Courage- Helps people put group interest above personal ones.
Humility- Fosters connection by encouraging people to learn from one another and demonstrate vulnerability and trust.

Unconscious Biases are automatic associations we make of others. Based around upbringing, family, culture, society.
We do not control Unconscious Biases and most are unaware of it. They influence our behavior choices towards others.
Unconscious Biases is an equal opportunity offenders not just gender or certain countries everyone.
"We all have Unconscious Biases it doesn't make us bad, it makes us human."
Biases can be manage, we can be aware them.

Being an Other is something we all experience and many of us manage it by:

  • Coping
  • Managing 
  • Covered

Resource 1
Resource 2
Resource 3
Resource 4
Resource 5
Resource 6 

Pain Management

Pain it is something we all experience. 
Many people have to create a method to cope with pain.

One way people learn to manage pain is by knowing they are not alone this also goes for mental illnesses too.
We all come through emotions from guilt, shame, anger and other negative emotions as we try to adapt or cope with our pain.

For the links below offer ways to quieting your mind down and listening to your pain.

Having compassion for yourself and your pain is a way to move forward.
“Meditative approaches to physical pain”
  • Releasing breath. When we are in pain, it’s common to hold our breath. We try to create a barrier between us and the pain with our breath. Shockley suggests a practice she calls “releasing breath” which involves first noticing how you are breathing, allowing your breath “to be a little freer and calmer”, and then notice how your pain level is affected by letting your breath move more freely through your body.
  • Loving the places that hurt. Ignoring your pain and battling against it are both generally not helpful - nor may they be possible. Shockley decided that instead she “would offer it softness, understanding, compassion and inclusion.” She suggests first checking in with your pain, noticing the shape and contour of it. Next, breath into your heart and feel the capacity for peace there. Using the energy from your heart, send loving kindness to your pain, “thank your body for its efforts to heal.” Practice being judgement free about your pain-even, or especially- when it feels difficult. Finally, she suggests that you “soothe the pain as if it is a child who has never had a kind word or a soft caress.” Become aware if you are resisting being kind to your pain.
  • Imagining pain’s form. Using the principles of art therapy, Shockley found that “images, symbols, and metaphors that emerged were very revealing and helpful.” She suggests that what emerges could offer insight into your pain. She suggests starting by working with paints. Sit quietly and settle for a few breaths and then consider your history with your pain. Imagine the form of your “pain story” and begin to paint from your pain. Again, being non-judgmental about what comes out is important, “especially if it’s dark and messy.”

Reference 1
Reference 2
DISCLAIMER: This is for knowledge and I do not have a degree or licenses to say this works. I am only assisting to help others in their journey. 

Monday, July 9, 2018

Another Form of Leadership III

At other moments in our time we are called to be either a follower or leader, daily. At times our expertise, opinions can call us into command as no one can lead entirely. This is a form of Leadership.

Inclusion includes uniqueness and belonging.
Uniqueness- Standing out of the crowd being recognized for whats distinct about you.
Belonging- Being accepted as part of the crowd, regardless off your differences.
Inclusion happens when people's needs are met- uniqueness and belonging.

Inclusion happens when you value both differences and the commonalities of others.

Leadership is not complicated but there are some hard to see challenges that we all face. Unconscious Biases-

            • Stereotypes
            • Unconscious bias
            • Otherness

Resource 1
Resource 2
Resource 3
Resource 4

Sunday, July 8, 2018

Another form of Leadership II

I will go into more details of this concept but here is a quick look at becoming a better leader with the EACH method
The first follower with any movement is the most important role as they will show everyone else how to follow.

As people join- a movement happens as the public starts to notice or join in. People don't emulate the leaders but the followers.

The more people join the less risk it seems to others and nurturing your first few followers as equals benefits a lot.

Leadership can be over glorified but the first few followers can make the biggest differences.

If everyone was a leader - leadership would be ineffective.

Starting a movement may include many things but those things that stand out to me is courage to follow and show others how to follow.

Resource 1
Resource 2
Resource 3

Saturday, July 7, 2018

Another Form of Leadership I

I am studying different things getting my brain wrinkly for next month going back to college. So, I decided to study about Leadership as this will benefit me at work and College. So what did I learn?

An Inclusive Leader= an Successful leader

Inclusion is wonderful aspect that I never really thought about. It benefits everyone, really it does. Inclusion is the action/state of being included, or including others in groups and structures.  An inclusion is when you value differences and commonalities of others.

When people feel included there is a correlation of people being a team player and innovation.

Being inclusive allows you to show your distinct parts about you; what makes you different. The parts that make you unique; standing out from a crowd and being recognized for what you bring in the table.
Being similar is also part of belongingness- do not stand out to much that you are alone.
Being a leader is about fitting into a group as well as having the guts to stand out and handling critics.

Resource 1
Resource 2
Resource 3 

Tuesday, July 3, 2018


This is a meditation to use when you are struggling whether from illness or losing a loved one. This meditation will be best if you can find some flowers. You can pick the flower or buy one. Put it in a vase that when you are meditating the flower will be eye level to you.
This meditation will provide calming energies during time of stress. Encourage one to heal and provide comfort in time of sorrow.
Many flowers have different meanings and by such I will give a few examples:
Daffodil symbolizes the resurrection of Christ
Violets of the Virgin Mary also in some text violets represent as a sign of Mohammed teachings.  Along with Persephone as she was in a field of violets in some myths before being kidnapped by hades.
Flowers are fragile but they captivity the masses they can inspire the imagination, show affection and heal. Flowers can be a wonderful tool for meditations.

The actual Meditation of Flowers:
Sit in a chair or cushion and take a few deep breaths and set aside any worries or distractions focus on the flower in the vase and empty your mind and breath normally.
Now once you have settled your mind look at the flower and notice its beauty and scent, visualize the perfume filling your body and healing any illnesses or health problems. If you are grieving for a loved one, let your tears flow and allow the flower essence soothe you.
End the meditation when you are calm and breathing deep and normal.

Sunday, July 1, 2018

July Update


Good Morning Folks.

It is Canada Day. I am not in Canada but very close to it.

Anyways, I have planned out the next nine days for me(Mostly chores). And I have to say this month has a lot going on. The Full moon is done and like many of us we fine this time to relax but it is not sadly the case.
Things seem to be getting serious. I am waiting on e-mails constantly this summer for work and school. We have two classes coming up at work and school starts in august and I still do not have all my textbooks. Need 300$ for them. Not including notebooks and supplies.

This current phase we are in life will give us increased respobilities. Take time and enjoy some laughs it will help us handle our stressors.

NoMo folks that are Leo's this current part in your life is a great chance to express yourself; this includes dreams and wishes.


So I am planning out this week and it seems busy. Bills to pay, mouth's to feed nothing in this world ever seems to give me a break. But I did enjoy it very much of the past week events. Fourth of July( I slept through the fireworks).

I enjoyed playing chess with my partner. We played a little Skyrim and had a heat wave hit us during the middle of the week. Then July 7, 2018 was a picnic and I spent a little of my time picking berries.

So what is the plan for this week?

I plan to make 8 more post this month on Leadership methods and practices. I am hoping everyone is enjoying the expansion of knowledge. Along with that I plan to go to a yoga class, call college on some errors. I have a session at work on Wednesday and a Going away party at work Friday.

As previously mentioned I had need 300$ for college but I am now rocking it out with 180$ left to spend for college- but not including notebooks and supplies.

Well I hope everyone has a great week!