Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Pathwalking experience

I had a success today with Pathwalking to Jotunhiem today. Though doing this was not very easy as it has been and I required assistance from the entity I work with.

What is Pathwalking?
I know this is perhaps the first time me mentioning an event of myself with doing such an activity. Pathwalking is a practice where one is able to travel from one realm to another. The common way and easiest way is perhaps by leaving the body behind and letting one soul or self-go and travel.
I have known I could pathwalk when I was a teenager but when I did. I did it in not a safe manner and have because some worry to my partner during the time as my heart beat would go slower and body would go cold and limp. I could easily shift from being in this current state of mind and shift and leave my physical body to explore the vast worlds around me. But during my early years I did not have direction and was rather enjoying the feeling of not being tired to such a shell that I was in. This is one of the reasons I always request my Entity I work with to stay with me. So I do not lose direction nor stay to long that it may cause issues to my psychical form.
Anyways this was early experiences and I have had far better ones after those dark days in my practice. I am able to work and see Gods in their realms. Though I do favor one realm over all others; Jotunhiem. This is where my entity lives at; at least as far as I know.

So the day before the Full Moon I decided before I seek refuge in sleep I would cast myself out and see if I can reach out to the entity I work with and speak to them. As previously my attempts have been harsh and chaotic in reaching them. They tend to always have my back but if I do not keep a healthy connection with them. It can be hard to keep contact; alike to keeping in contact with a family member. If I was unable to reach them due to not keeping a healthy social interaction it may be hard for one or both sides to return to the state they were. It has been a few months since my interactions with them but I have received messages from them as of late of ‘Getting off my lazy bum and doing things that need to get done.’ Always lovely feeling of having the one you work with feel like a parent at times as the request for you to clean up your act. No one is perfect and we all lack motivation at times.
Well anyways, I was able to have a solid connection with them and being greeted by them filled me with such peace and serenity; that I enjoyed my time with them to a rather large extent.

Monday, May 28, 2018

Yin Breathing

This exercise is very relaxing.

Sit down and rest your right elbow on a table.

Put your right index finger on your forehead,

Between your eyes.

Then close your right nostril with your right thumb and inhale until your chest is full,

Then exhale just slowly until all the air has gone.

Now release your right nostril and close your left one,

Using your right middle finger.

Breathe in and out again slowly.

Repeat this 5 times.

Monday, May 14, 2018

Fudge Night Time Anxiety

Having issues with sleep?
Anxiety got you bad during the night time?
Is Sleep on a Strike?
Or did the Sandman not visit you?

Here are some of my suggestions for how to combat Anxiety and sleepiness nights.
The Checklist:
  • Mantras
  • Affirmations
  • Aromatherapy
  • Feng Shui

There is a mantra that is known to induce sleep; it may be worth a try.
Try repeating Om Agasthi Shahina (Om Ah-gah-stee Shah-ee-nah).

Try not to force yourself to sleep if it is not coming instead of try affirmations such as
Feng Shui

Feng Shui ideals and goals are to give natural flow of energy; remove clutter and digital devices and cover monitors, television with dark clothes, having stuff under the bed is not good as it resembles baggage. 


Chakra 101 Part B

I am trying to introduce you to bio- energies. Unlike energies you learn in
 Chemistry or Physics. Such as kinetic, Magnetic, Solar, etc. I will be trying
my best to explain these bio energies. By using the term of Auras. The main
 origin of Chakras is in India.

Chakras are fundamental ways to figure out healing and yourself and your
elements. I will be sharing ways to do so by colours, crystals, Sound, and a
Number of other ways including Yoga.

This is for Beginners, Healers, and Practitioners.

I will also share some other Chakras that are not based on the major seven
 Chakras. Such as the Earth star and Casual Chakra. The Chakras as a whole
are placed within other traditions not just Hinduism and in Yoga. Such as the
Kabbalah, Sufism, Inca, taoism, Mayan, Teaching, and Shamanism.

The energies that are extrnal called Elctromagnetic energy field is commonly
called The Aura. An Aura is in some definations a rainbow of light surrounding
the body. In many beliefs Everything has an aura from living beings to
 in-animated objects. There are people who have a very sensitive sight or
feeling on these bio energies/Auras. Some people say your aura stays the same
others say it is consantly changing. I myself believe taht they change on our
moods. Also this constant change is not just caused by emotions but as well
as your health and spiritual self/development.

Okay well I am going to try to explain an aura by using a rainbow. Now a
Rainbow is always infront of us and teh sun is behind us. Right? Red, orange,
yellow, green, blue, indigo, and Violet. I like to call those colours
ROY G BIV. Since no two people can be in the same exact place and same time,
 each person see's a slightly different rainbow. In the same way we see
peoples auras differently. We each have our own perspective in the bio

How do you/I precieve an Human Aura?

Seeing an Arua we have as children or we achieve it through intense spiritual discpline. Like a rainbow. And arua is made of drops of energy(if you do not understand that google it). Our bio-energies are made by vibrations which if yuou can not see but feel. This is what you are feeling. The virbrations off an aura. I personal feel an arua but do not see them but I can guess the colour it is by the way it feels. but anyways different fequences through the bio energies cause different energy light.

When looking or feeling bio energies. Many of us probably could see auras when we were young but due to teh fact as we grow up we are told it is not possibel to do so. And we needed to stop saying we could or such. Also the same that fairies and angels we could nto see cause they are not real.

But for those few who kept it seem to excel at seeing auras. Like myself. And thankfully there are ways to teach people how to see auras. Thanks to some help from my great grandmother. I suggest to try to feel the enrgies from trees. Tree's have a large energy field. Try to look beyond the tree without straining your eyes.

There is also another way to do this. Ask a friend to go back 3 metere(ten feet), away from you in a dim light.Again look beyond them. No exceptions.

A Blue print

Like our body has organs. the Bio energy has organs called chakras. Chakras are pusling of swirling energywith a particular colour. The spirial of each chakra narrows as it nears teh physical body. The major seven are hooked to teh spine.

Chakras sends information to the aura which is how most of the people who read auras by feeling get their information.

The Aura is a blue print of the body and the chakras are a blue print of the aura. They also hodl information of past pain and traumas. These effect our emotions and our health and regualte our human behavior.
This lesson so far will be talking about the scientific outlook of the chakras/aura. As well as the rest of the lesson is on The auras in history and The Light Spectrum.

Scientists can measure the subtle energy close to our skin, is often seen in dim light conditions as a fine golden colour around a person. As even a finer field of energy, the Human aura extends outwards, sometimes as far as 30 feet in faster and higher chakras, access by the chakras. Mysterious teaching usually assign this energy field a number of layers, each of which corresponds with colour and a quality. These colours progress through the aura like those of the light spectrum, from red to violet.

The Aura in History

Through out the ages people have been aware of the human energy field. In diverse cultures world wide from ancient egypt to Greece and from their to China to India and again to Persia and the Americans.In Hindu tradition it was called Prana, in China Chi. Where in Ancient Greece Pythagoras wrote Vital Energy being perceived as a Luminious body. And for Gypsy's it is called Zee.

During the 1930's to 1950's....scientific research by Dr. Wilhem reich enabled healers to show not only the existance of the auric field, but also its correlation with chakras, as intense energy vortices within it.

Many researchers now agree that the human energy field an energy matrix upon which physical cells grow. this means that the energy exists before the physical body. they have shown that disturbances in the auric field eventually manifest as a disease in the physical bodymeaning that healing Any imbalnce in the aura will assit the body to resist illness.
Bad thing is this is only 3 1/2 of my lessons I still have about 30 more for just the basics.

The light spectrum

As humans we exist within the 49th octave of vibration of the electromagnetic light spectrum.

Below it is very unnoticable from the heat of our bodies then invisble infared, tv and radio waves. This goes on to other electromagnetic light spectrum.

Always remember ROY G BIV


If you recall that you are a being of light in a phsyical body you will open to the understanding how chakras are vital to all interaction on earth.

Our auric field and subtle energies are coloured by our personaly strengths/weakness, health/sickness, happiness/sadness, love/hate and the degree we are commune to our spiritual practice.

~The Seven Layers~ 
I list the layers from the one closes to the body to the one taht is furtherest from it at the end.

Etheric Body- Often seen as a red colour. This energy feild is often associated with how we feel things as we touch them . This goes from the five sense's. if someones Etheric body or energy field is strong that means they are physically healthy.(Phsyical)

Emotional Body- This colour is often seen as A bright vibrant orange. This one is hard for some for those who have a lot of baggage. If you have emotional issues in a negative stand point it is often dirty looking and cloudy. If it is not and your second layer is bright and vibrant you will find your aura is healthy to this level. Which is from being truely happy.(Physical)

Mental Body- This one is yellow usually. If you live actively and such in the real world and retional this colour remains vibrant. other times it is very dim or murky. (Physical)

Higher mental Body- Green often but differnt shades depending on the person. (Anyone seeing a connection with these colours?) This one is strongly attachted to your heart chakra. this body of energy is what allows you to merge with others from animals to people it is what helps you create a sense of love. (Astral)

Spiritual Body- Often a shade of blue. This is often seen as divine will and is often associated with the first level the etheric body and acts some what like it.(Spiritual)

Casual Body- Often seen deep blue if healthy. This is often seen as the where we have had our expoeriences with theh spirit world. It is what helps influence as well as causes such things in our lives. (Spiritual)

Ketheric Body- Purple is teh common colour if healthy. Also called our trueself.This has teh connection to our higher true. Our Higher self and Our super sub-conciouness. (Spiritual)

Tuesday, May 8, 2018

May 8- 13 Astrology Forecast

May 8, 2018

The Sun opposes Jupiter and this can cause us to question our boundaries or press to much onto others. You may tell a co-worker something a little private that you may regret saying. It could be the opposite as well. Not sharing enough information - like your partner.
Jupiter is under the Scorpio Sign and is in Retrograde till July 10, 2018.

Today is a good day to tell others what you have been bottling up just try not to hurt anyone's feelings.

Do not let your Ego get the best of you; Jupiter is known for that.

May 11, 2018

Pluto Trines with Jupiter and the Sun.
This can cause some hidden truthes that we have about ourselves to show up. Such as needs you have not been allowing yourself or seeing how you manipulate yourself. This is rather amusing as for my Mantra for this week is 'Stop Hiding'.
Awareness is the first step in making changes.  Do not let these hidden truthes destroy you but instead rise from them.

Take time today to cleanse your body, mind and soul.

May 13, 2018 

Mercury enters Taurus and allows us to take a break from our thoughts.  Our minds have been going craxy under Aries and Taurus is allowing us to take a break in our communications. Mercury will be under Taurus till May 29.

This is a good time to try yoga, meditation. Clean off your alter and redo it. As communications with your Entities you work with may find easier time communicating with you.

Take time and think how you want to spend the rest of the year. Be pratical- value is a huge factor under Taurus. 

Chakras 101 Part A

When studying chakras you will find yourself looking into a deep subject that breaks off into many areas from the ideals of subtle energies.
Chakras have been used in relations to therapies and other ways the affect the mind, body and spirit.

What is Subtle Energies?

If you ever study more into pyshical sciences you will learn we are not just phsyical beings we are made up of energy.
Electromagnetic fields that flow and interact with things around us.
in Vedas the ideals are spiraling energies called Chakras in Sanskrit they are known as 'wheels of light'.

What are Chakras?

Chakras- Also known for Wheels of light; pulsating centers of subtle energies in the luminous auric energy fields.

There are seven main chakras and countless millions of smaller ones that interact with the body. Giving off energies to our body, mind and spirit; with chakras when balanced and kept healthy we can learn to keep the good energy and filter out the negative energy. often times illnesses are associated with Chakras and other pieces around Veda idealism and practices.

Vedas- Also known in common English as knowledge; they are a collective terms and ideals  from Hindu scriptures, written in Sanskrit and comprising of  four parts- Rig, Sama, Yajur and Atharva Vedas.


That is this week's Mantra.

We all have the desire to be seen; For who and what we are.

When we take off the armor and let us be who we are.

It can change everything..

How do you hide yourself?

Who are you hiding from?

Inspiration from Chara Caruthers

Monday, May 7, 2018

Taurus in the Sun

So it is May and we have a few weeks left under the sunwith Taurus. This is an Earth Sign that can help us in many ways. This Zodiac Sign is known for being Practical and great with coming up with a plan to do things. Even if our sign is not a Taurus we can obviously use the energy it gives off during this time of the year.
Go for the things you want in life. Make a plan. Figure out how to get the plan going and keep moving forward. What is in motion stays in Motion.
Do you know what you want? Yes? No?
If no... Please understand that if we have spent most of our time for others and not ourselves we may not know what we want. So maybe meditate on things you think you want.. Not for others but yourself. Taurus is usually one who looks out for themselves then others.
Try to be careful with its energies as it can cause a selfish rampage.

Sunday, May 6, 2018

Allergies Are a Nightmare

Achooo! Achoooo! I keep sneezing and my noise always feels tickled or stuffed it is miserable.

From Science they have found many people are suffering more and more with allergies due to... Drum Roll please.


Hay Fever is often followed with the following symptoms: runny nose, itchy eyes, sneezing, and sinus pain.

One of the believed reasons for allergies is poor gut health which can cause impaired immune function and leaky gut.

High inflammatory diet are a huge factor in this such as processed grains, refied oils, sugar and dairy.

Many people have come across taking supplements like prebiotitics and probiotics, changing your diet, and using essential oils can help with reversing hay fever though most people go or the antihistamines, nasal sprays and so forth. (I AM NOT A DOCTOR)

If you do not fix the root cause of your allergies no amount of lavender or peppermint will cure you.

So work on healing your gut, eat anti-inflammatory foods and we can try to work on this together. I currently, can not follow on this but once my budget allows I will share the experiences with you and how much it cost. I live in Alaska so it is a high price here.

Caraway and peppermint  oil is an  effective blend to soothe inflammation throughout the entire body.

Caraway and peppermint by mixing two drops of each with one teaspoon of unrefined coconut oil and apply on the back of your neck and chest

Essential oil blend to diffuse for seasonal allergies.
3 drops frankincense sacra essential oil
2 drops Australian sandalwood essential oil
1 drop ravensara essential oil

Saturday, May 5, 2018

Moon Phases and Sun Phases

It has been almost a month since I posted anything, my facebook page gets a lot of updates but this has been neglected so.. Here is the rest of the Moon Phases for the month of May

4th May:The Moon enters Capricorn
6th May: The Moon enters Aquarius
9th May: The Moon enters Pisces
11th May:  The Moon enters Aries at
13th May: The Moon enters Taurus
15th May:  New moon in Taurus afterwards and   The Moon enters Gemini
17th May: The Moon enters Cancer
20th May: The Moon enters Leo and  The Month of Taurus ends
21st May: The Month of Gemini Starts
22nd May: The Moon enters Virgo
24th May: The Moon enters Libra
26th May: The Moon enters Scorpio
28th May: The Moon enters Sagittarius
29th May: Full Moon in Sagittarius
31st May: The Moon enters Capricorn